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Clinical Trial: Improving Quality of Life for Patients With Breast Cancer Invading the Chest Wall: A Prospective Registry For Patients Undergoing Full Thickness Chest Wall Resection”

Purpose: This clinical trial is currently recruiting participants. Do you have a patient in your clinic that might be eligible? We are enrolling for a study tracking outcomes at Toronto General Hospital. 

Breast cancers invading the chest wall are a difficult clinical problem, and little evidence exists to guide treatment decisions. Surgical resection can be a useful part of treatment for both curative and palliative purposes in select patients. We are carrying out a prospective trial to evaluate how surgery influences quality of life, and to measure locoregional recurrence, overall survival and morbidity in patients with recurrent breast cancer in the chest wall. Patients with primary tumors that invade the chest wall who fail chemotherapy and radiation therapy are also eligible. Please see linked study flyer for further information, contact Jen Lister (clinical trial coordinator) at (416) 340-4857 or (647) 678-9549 for referral information.

Link to Study Flyer and Website:

Principle Investigator:  Dr. Shaf Keshavjee / University Health Network, Toronto

Study Medical Oncologists: Drs Amir Eitan and Natasha Leighl

Clinical Trial Coordinator:  Jen Lister
Ph. (416) 340-4857 or (647) 678-9549

Canadian Association of Medical Oncologists
PO Box 35033 RPO Westgate

Ottawa, ON K1Z 1A2

Phone: 613.415.6033

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